
Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education (SQAA/NAKVIS)

Contact Information

Street name: Miklošičeva cesta 7
Postal code and City: SI-1000 Ljubljana
Country: Slovenia
Phone/Fax: +386 1 400 57 71
Introductory Presentation:
Contact person: Nataša Kramar
Function of contact person: International Relations
Founding year: 2010
Legal status:
Non-governmental direct budget user and public authorisation holder
International links and membership: ENQA, EQAR, ECA, INQAAHE

The Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education was established as non-governmental direct budget user and public authorisation holder by a Resolution on the Founding of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.

The Agency has three bodies: the Council, the Director and the Appeal Committee.
The Council is the highest decision-making body within the Agency. Its tasks are laid down in the Higher Education Act (HEA), among others, and include defining procedures and accreditation criteria, criteria for external evaluation of higher vocational colleges and other acts, adopting decisions on accreditations and external evaluations, etc. The Council adopts decisions at regular monthly sessions and consists of eleven members.
The Director is appointed and dismissed by the Agency Council on the basis of a public competition in accordance with the conditions and criteria laid down in the HEA. The Director is appointed for a period of five years and may be reappointed. Their tasks are defined in the HEA.
The Appeal Committee is appointed by the Agency Council on the basis of a public call. The Appeal Committee consists of three members, each member has their deputy.

The Agency is internally organized into three internal organizational units; each is led by the head of the department: the Quality Assurance Department, the Department of Analytics, International Cooperation and Information Technology and the General Affairs Department. There are 19 employees within all the departments.

The Agency provides for the comparability and international recognition of the Slovenian higher education area, and advocates continuous improvement of its quality. In accordance with higher education legislation, accreditation and evaluation procedures are the core activity of the Agency. These procedures are based on in-depth assessment of the quality of higher education institutions, higher vocational colleges and study programmes. The Agency also counsels all stakeholders and participants in tertiary education in line with European and global development trends.