National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education (NAB)
Contact Information
Street name: | Karmelitská 5 |
Postal code and City: | 118 12 Praha 1 |
Country: | Czech Republic |
Phone/Fax: | +420 234 813 280 |
E-mail: | |
Website: | |
Introductory Presentation: |
NAB_2020-11-17 |
Contact person: | Martina Vidláková, MSc. |
Function of contact person: | Head of Strategy Unit |
Founding year: | 2016 |
Legal status: | Government agency |
International Links and membershi: | ENQA Affiliate |
The NAB aims to ensure provision of high-quality higher education in the Czech Republic and to foster quality culture in higher education. A related objective of the NAB is to support the development of internal quality assurance mechanisms at higher education institutions. The NAB carries out quality assurance of higher education in the Czech Republic while recognizing the primary responsibility of higher education institutions for the quality of their activities.
The NAB consists of
– Council of 15 members including a Chair and two Vice-Chairs and one student member. The government appoints 14 members for 6-year terms and the student member for a 2-year term. Of the 14 members of the Council apart from the student member, 9 should come from academia and 5 from the professional world with experience in the academic field.
– Pool of Experts selected from all fields of study. The Pool includes experts from the academia, professional world, public administration, research institutions as well as students.
– Appeals Committee of 5 members appointed by the government.
– Office of 12 permanent staff members. The Office is a department of the Ministry of Education and its staff members are selected in the regular procedure of recruitment into the civil service.
The NAB performs assessment of study programmes for the purpose of programme accreditation and assessment of institutions for the purpose of institutional accreditation. In addition, the NAB carries out external evaluation of activities of the higher education institutions.