
Medical Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association / Tip Egitimi Programlarnii Degerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Dernegi (TEPDAD)

Contact Information

Street name: Ankara Cd. No:231/2
Postal code and City: 35100 Bornova-İzmir
Country: Turkey
Phone/Fax: +90 232 390 18 32/ +90 232 343 67 70
E-mail: isayek@gmail.com; durakhi@gmail.com
Website: http://tepdad.org.tr/en
Contact person: Iskender Sayek, H. Ibrahim Durak
Function of contact person: IS (president TEPDAD), HID (Secretary General TEPDAD)
Founding date:  2010

The Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Programs in Faculties of Science, Arts, Arts and Science, Letter and History-Geography (FEDEK)

Contact Information

Street name: Zeytinlik Mahallesi Ray Sokak No:39/6 Tural Apartmanı
Postal code and City: 34140 İstanbul
Country: Turkey
Phone/Fax: +90 212 543 59 11
E-mail: fedek@fedek.org.tr
Website: www.fedek.org.tr
Introductory presentation:
Sustainability Criteria for FEDEK Accreditation in Mathematical and Social Sciences Programs
Contact person: Ayse Kara Hansen, Fulya Kivilcim
Function of contact person: Member of the Executive Board, General Coordinator
Founding year: 2009
Legal status:
non-profit organization

FEDEK was established by members of the executive board as a non-profit organization.

FEDEK’s governing bodies are as follows:
1) General Assembly consisting of 30 members,
2) Executive Board consisting of 9 members,
3) Auditing Board consisting of 3 members,
4) A General Coordinator (permanent).

The Executive Board can create new sub-bodies in order to perform FEDEK’s activities.
In addition, there exist the evaluators groups consisting of 200 members.
FEDEK’s mission is to contribute to enhancing the quality of education for SAA programs. SAA: Faculties of Science, Arts, Arts and Science, Letter and History-Geography
Thus, FEDEK aims at graduating better educated individuals from SAA in order to advance the welfare of the society.

İletişim Araştırmaları Derneği (İLAD)/Communication Research Association

Contact Information

Street name: Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Cad. No: 71/56 Kadıköy
Postal code and City: 34724 Istanbul
Country: Turkey
Phone/Fax: +90 533 462 79 79


Website: https://www.ilad.org.tr
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Aysel Aziz
Function of contact person: President of İLAD
Founding year: 1989
Legal status:
Non-profit organization

İLAD is the only association in Turkey, which is responsible for quality assurance of communication education in universities.

İLAD is a non-profit organization. It was established in 1989 by Dr. Hıfzı Topuz who was formerly a chief of Free Circulation of News in UNESCO headquarter, Paris (1959-1983). Current president of agency is Prof. Dr. Aysel Aziz, Dean of the Communication Faculty, İstanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University. She was also among one of the founders of the agency.

As a non-profit organisation İLAD was formed according to the Turkish Association Law. It has the right to establish relations with the international units such as associations, foundations, unions etc. in related fields. İLAD has three main bodies: “General Council”, “Executive Council” and “Auditing Council”.

İLAD has three permanent employees;
Füsun Özbilgen works as an executive secretary,
Selma Saçmalıoğlu works as a financial advisor/accountant,
Sercan Gündoğar works as an office director and is responsible for all the clerical works.

In 2018, İLAD was authorised as an accreditation agency by YÖKAK (Higher Education Quality Council in Turkey). İLAD evaluates principles and conditions related to communication programs. Its accreditation operations cover universities, and more specifically communication faculties and communication education programs that exist in other faculties such as fine art and social science faculties.

The main objective of the agency is quality assurance and sustainability. Moreover, İLAD conducts international conferences in the field of communication and annually awards academic research on the national scale. Recently, İLAD organised two international Symposiums; “The Role of Communication in a Transforming World International Symposium” in collaboration with Cyprus International University, TRNC, and the “International Symposium on Communication in the Digital Age” in collaboration with the Communication Faculty in Mersin University, Turkey.

Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Nursing Education Programs (HEPDAK)

Contact Information

Street name: Konak Mahallesi, 858. Sk. No:9
Postal code and City: 35250 Konak/Izmir
Country: Turkey
Phone/Fax: +90 553 986 43 02
E-mail: info@hepdak.org.tr
Website: https://www.hepdak.org.tr
Introductory Presentation:
Contact person: Fatoş Korkmaz
Function of contact person: Chair for international relations
Founding year: 2013
Legal Status:
Non-profit professional organization

The Association of Evaluation and Accreditation of Nursing Education Programs (HEPDAK) is a non-profit organization and has been working to contribute to the improvement of undergraduate nursing education in Turkey since 2013. HEPDAK started to operate after it was recognized as an authorized agency in the accreditation of nursing undergraduate training programs of the universities in Turkey and North Cyprus under the decision of (No 2014.14.1313 dated 25-12-2014) by Turkish Council of Higher Education.

HEPDAK was re-evaluated by YÖK in 2017 and at the General Assembly meeting dated 15.02.2017, it was decided to extend the validity period of the Quality Assessment Registration Certificate for two years starting from 25.12.2016, taking into consideration the opinion of the Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK). HEPDAK was re-evaluated by YÖKAK in 2018 and at the Board meeting dated 26.12.2018, it was decided to extend the validity period of the Quality Evaluation and Registration Certificate for five years until 25.12.2023.

The General assembly and Executive Board of HEPDAK (president, vice president, general secretary, treasurer, a member) appoint the decision-making body. The members of the General Council elect the Executive Board. Each decision needs approval of the Executive Board. All the processes should be linked to Work Regulation Rules. Besides the Accreditation Board of Nursing Education Programs (HEAK), the agency has four commissions: Commission For Defining The Standards And Development (7 members), Commission for Evaluation of Programs and Follow-Up (5 members), Commission for Consultancy and Training (6 members) and International External Evaluation Preparation Working Group (5 members). An accountant and a secretary are employed as permanent employees.

Membership fees and accreditation fees provide primary revenue of the agency.

Main task and duty of HEPDAK is to evaluate and accredit the nursing education programs. The agency is responsible for preparing the evaluation criteria, procedures, performance indicators and standards, attaining the peer reviewers and collaborating with in Turkish Higher Education Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement Commission. In order to attain this aim the other objectives are to

  • inform and educate nursing education program administrators and teaching members for program evaluation
  • ensure that program assessment standards are determined, where necessary, monitor and renew the evaluation standards and processes by continuously monitoring the present and future requirements of stakeholders of nursing education programs
  • organize meetings, seminars, conferences, panels, workshops, etc. at national and international level and support the activities in this context
  • communicate and cooperate with national and international associations, professional organizations and accreditation bodies related to education, evaluation and accreditation, to carry out joint projects
  • make international distribution and multilateral recognition agreements,
  • be a member of relevant national and international organizations,
  • conduct investigations and researches in order to make activities more efficient and effective.

Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs (EPDAD)

Street name: Merdivenköy Mah. Karaman Sok. No: 2 K: 2/5Kadıköy
Postal code and City: 34732 İstanbul
Country: Turkey
Phone/Fax: +90 216 376 07 08 / +90 216 376 07 09
E-mail: epdad@epdad.org
Website: www.epdad.org.tr
Introductory Presentations:

Information Management System, 01/2023

Contact person:

Cemil ÖZTÜRK and Dinçay KÖKSAL
Function of contact person: President of EPDAD – Director of EFAK
Founding year: 2012
Legal Status:
Non-profit private organization

EPDAD is a voluntary non-profit organization.

EPDAD has four main bodies:
•General Assembly
• Board of Directors
• Auditing Board
• Accreditation Board of Education Faculties Education Programs (EFAK)
The General Assembly is the highest governing body of EPDAD and it consists of 61 members. General assembly and Executive Board of EPDAD (president, vice president, general secretary, treasurer, a member) appoints decision-making body. EPDAD is managed by a 5-member Executive Board and a 3-member Auditing Board, responsible for internal auditing of EPDAD’s activities periodically. Each decision needs approval of the Executive Board.
As of 2020, a business manager, accountant and office staff are permanently employed.
General assembly and Executive Board of EPDAD appoints the members according to the Work Regulation Rules.

The vision of EPDAD is excellence in training teachers. EPDAD’s mission is to contribute to achieving excellence in teacher training through evidence-based accreditation, which guarantees quality and supports continuous development in order to strengthen student learning in formal education.

While trying to realize this vision and mission, EPDAD aims to achieve the following strategic goals:
• To increase the quality of teacher training.
• To support continuous development.
• To improve research and innovation.
• To increase the value of accreditation.
• To be a model accrediting institution.
• To be a model learning organization.

EPDAD regularly conducts training activities to increase the number and quality of team heads and evaluators who will serve in the visiting teams that form the backbone of these activities. In this context, the training activities carried out in 2019 are as follows:
• Team Heads Continuous Development Workshop
• Accreditation Preparation Training Workshop
• 5th Instructor Evaluator Training Workshop
• 4th Student Evaluator Training Workshop
• ITEAC (International Teacher Education and Accreditation Congress)

National Society of Assessment and Accreditation of Pharmacy Education (ECZAKDER)

Contact Information

Street name: Mebusevleri Mah. Ayten Sokak.
Baday Apt. No: 28/1
Postal code and City: 06570 Çankaya/Ankara
Country: Turkey
Phone/Fax: +90 0312 2033117
E-mail: info@eczakder.org.tr
Website: https://www.eczakder.org.tr/
Contact person: Benay Can Eke
Function of contact person: Audit Secretary
Founding year: 2014
Legal Status: Non-profit organization

ECZAKDER was established in May 2014 by the Turkish Council of Deans of the Faculties of Pharmacy and was granted the Registration Certificate for Quality Assessment by the Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK) of Turkey on 26th December 2018.

ECZAKDER aims to ensure the sustainability of quality of pharmacy education in Turkey at the level of international quality of education, meets the expectations of higher educational institutions providing pharmacy education by constantly improving itself. ECZAKDER ensures that it will hold on the values below in order to provide an excellent service:

Transparency and accountability: ECZAKDER informs its shareholders and public about the publishing of its policies, strategies, operational activities, and standards for its decisions and reports concerning to quality assurance

Participation: Opinions and suggestions of shareholders are evaluated at the related processes.

Independency: ECZAKDER functions independently and autonomously without the third- party consultation.

Collaboration: ECZAKDER constitutes and improves extensive national and international collaborations.

Innovation: ECZAKDER follows the latest developments and learns continuously in order to enhance and maintain the quality of its activities.

Creating value: ECZAKDER engages in value-added activities for the serviced institutions and shareholders; keeps working in order to improve the education and assessment processes.

Respectfulness and trustworthiness: ECZAKDER is responsible to its shareholders for the assessment processes and outcomes. ECZAKDER forms and maintains respectful interactions with its employers, volunteers, and the serviced institutions within the framework of ethics rules.

Social, Humanities and Basic Sciences Accreditation and Rating Association (STAR)

Street name:

Halil Rıfat Paşa Mah.
Teoman Sok. No: 20 D: 4

Postal code and City: 34384 Şişli/İstanbul
Country: Turkey
Phone/Fax: +90 533 730 11 74
E-mail: star@star.org.tr
Website: https://www.star.org.tr/
Introductory presentation:
Contact person: Prof. Hasan Ali Bıçak
Function of contact person: Chairman of
Internationalization Committee
Founding year: 2019
Legal Status: Non-profit organization

STAR was established in 2019 and began operations in July 2021, after being authorized as a national accreditation agency by the Higher Education Quality Council of Turkey (YÖKAK). It accredits undergraduate programmes in Economics, Finance, Banking, Labour Economics, Public Administration, Political Science, and International Relations.

The objectives of STAR are to adhere to the values of service orientation, continuous learning, value creation, collaborative development, ethical behaviour, transparency and accountability in order to enhance the quality of Undergraduate Programs in the social sciences, humanities and basic sciences and to meet their expectations, to continuously improve its own work, to conduct its work in accordance with the total quality philosophy and to maintain the quality of its evaluation and accreditation activities at the highest level.

The organizational structure of STAR consists of the General Assembly, the Executive Board, the Academic Advisory Board, the Audit Board, the Accreditation Council, and the Committees. The General Assembly is the highest governing body of STAR and currently it consists of 15 founding members. The General Assembly appoints the decision–making body, the Executive Board which consists of a Chairperson, a Vice–Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Member.