
National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE)

Street name: 2 Merab Aleksidze Street
Postal code and City: 0193 Tbilisi
Country: Georgia
Phone/Fax: +(995 32) 2 200 220
Introductory Presentation:
Cross-Border Education
Contact person:
Nino Kadagishvili

Function of contact person:

Deputy Head of Planning, Research and International Relations Department
Founding year: 2010
Legal status:
Legal Entity of Public Law (LEPL) within the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia (Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia)
International links and membership: ENQA; EQAR; BFUG; BICG; WMFE; Enic-Naric; WorldSkills International; EUA; ELFA

The NCEQE was established in 2006 as the National Center for Educational Accreditation (NCEA) to conduct institutional accreditation. After the first round of the revision of the external quality assurance system in 2010, the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) was established as its legal successor. The new Law on Educational Quality Enhancement established NCEQE as independent in its activities and operation, with its structure and responsibilities defined in a Charter which was adopted in 2010. NCEQE is recognized as a sole national body authorized to carry out external mechanism of assuring and enhancing educational quality.

The main aims of NCEQE are to promote enhancement of educational quality and development of quality culture at educational institutions through development and implementation of external QA mechanisms and supporting development of internal QA mechanisms at the educational institutions. NCEQE has a broad range of functions relating to the external quality assurance of higher, vocational and general education in Georgia; the National Qualifications Framework and recognition of education.

NCEQE implements two external quality assurance mechanisms of higher education: authorization of higher educational institutions and accreditation of higher educational programs.NCEQE maintains the eight-level National Qualifications framework and any associated recognition. NCEQE is the NARIC center for Georgia and provides recognition advice on foreign qualifications. NCEQE coordinates development, approval and further improvement of sector benchmarks for HE.
Since its establishment NCEQE is actively involved in ENQA’s activities and events. NCEQE is a full member of ENQA and registered in EQAR. NCEQE actively participates in the working groups established by the European Commission (Bologna follow-up process) and in different international projects related to quality assurance issues and implemented jointly with other quality assurance agencies and/or networks (Twinning, ERASMUS+, etc.). NCEQE is an affiliated member of EUA since 2015. NCEQE is a member of European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) since 2016 and gained the first level recognition “Committed to Excellence. In October 2018 NCEQE has been awarded Recognition Status by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME). WFME Recognition Status has been awarded for ten years. The accreditation process, post-accreditation monitoring and decision making by NCEQE when it accredits medical schools and medical programmes are in compliance with demands of WFME.