Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR)
Contact Information
Street name: | Baurzhan Momyshuly Avenue 2 |
Postal code and City: | 010000 Astana |
Country: | Republic of Kazakhstan |
Phone/Fax: | +7 (7172) 45-24-02/+7(7172) 45-22-02 |
E-mail: | |
Website: | |
Introductory presentation: |
Contact person: | Timur Kanapyanov |
Function of contact person: | Deputy General Director for International Cooperation |
Founding year: | November 24, 2011 |
Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA)
Contact Information
Street name: | Dostyq Street 20, Office 801 |
Postal code and City: | 020000 Astana |
Country: | Kazakhstan |
Phone/Fax: | +7717-273820 |
E-mail: | |
Website: | |
Contact person: | Prof. Sholpan Kalanova |
Function of contact person: | President |
Founding year: | 2008 |
The Eurasian Сentre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health care (ECAQA)
Contact Information
Street name: | 75, Karasay Batyr Street |
Postal code and City: | 050029 Almaty |
Country: | Republic of Kazakhstan |
Phone/Fax: | +7727 3023988 |
E-mail: | |
Website: | |
Contact person: | Professor Saule Sarsenbayeva MD, DmedSc., MBA |
Function of contact person: | Director General of ECAQA |
Founding year: | 2016 |
Legal status: | non-governmental non-profit organisation |
International Links and membership: |
ENQA Affiliate; Full Member of INQAAHE, APQN; Member of the CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG). ECAQA has signed the Memorandum of Affiliation: Promotion Partnership in Quality Assurance to implement CHEA’s International Quality Principles (2015). |
ECAQA is a non-governmental non-profit organization that was established on November 12, 2016 and started its operation as quality assurance agency in medical and other healthcare professions education in February 6, 2017. ECAQA is recognised by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and included on the National Register of Recognised Accrediting Agency (Register 1).
ECAQA is listed in Directory of Organizations that Recognize/Accredit Medical Schools (DORA) of the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), USA. ECAQA as a specialized/professional accreditation agency in medicine, biomedicine and health sciences is included in the Council for Higher Education Accreditation International Quality Group (CHEA/CIQG) International Directory.
ECAQA is based on the fundamental principles of the World Health Organization and World Federation for Medical Education (WHO/WFME) Guidelines for accreditation of medical education as well as the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) and involves principal stakeholders in accreditation process.
ECAQA’s organisational structure is approved by the ECAQA Board and includes ECAQA’s Accreditation Council that consists of 15 Members with educational background in medicine and other healthcare professions education and all members are highly esteemed and respected within the profession and international standing. All main groups of stakeholders (Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Health, Professional Associations in Medicine, Public Health, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Kazakhstan Nursing Colleges Union, Employers, Students’ Union) are well represented in the ECAQA Accreditation Council as well as it includes the representatives from the Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Armenia.
ECAQA’s Management Office Team (6 full-time staff) is led by the Director General and consists of the Chair of Expert Board (part-time), Adviser (part-time), Chairs of the Department for Planning and Administration, Department for Accreditation and Monitoring, Department for International Collaboration, Department for IT and Public Relations. ECAQA’s primarily purpose is to ensure and improve academic quality, training of health professionals as well as promoting the establishment and development of transparent national quality assurance system on health professions education through the introduction of the international principles of good practice in quality assurance (WHO/WFME, ENQA, APQN, INQAAHE).
The objectives of ECAQA are support of higher education institutions in their capacity building process, introduction of the quality culture within institutions, provision of the educational expertise in health professions education and public health and making a contribution towards the harmonisation and integration of national education system into the International and European Higher Education and Research Area. ECAQA ensures that accredited higher education institutions and educational programmes meet the ECAQA Standards for Institutional and Specialized (Programmatic) accreditation based on the WFME Global Standards for Quality Improvement in Basic, Postgraduate Medical Education and CPD, Master and PhD programmes in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in association with ORPHEUS, AMSE (2015) and ESG (2015).
Agency for Recognition and Quality Assurance in Education (ARQA)
Contact Information
Street name: | Baurzhan Momyshuly Avenue 19a |
Postal code and City: | 010010 Astana |
Country: | Republic of Kazakhstan |
Phone/Fax: | +7 777 522 29 22; +7 (7172) 79 25 50 |
E-mail: | |
Website: | |
Contact person: | Azamat Kassymkhanov |
Function of contact person: | Director |
Founding year: | 2015 |
Legal status: |
ARQA is a non-profit independent organization. |
International Links and membership: | Full membership – INQAAHE, Affiliate member – ENQA |
Independent Kazakhstani Center of Accreditation (IKCA)
Street name: | Goethe street 15 |
Postal code and City: | 010000 Astana |
Country: | Republic of Kazakhstan |
Phone/Fax: | +7 7172 249 747 |
E-mail: | |
Website: | |
Introductory presentation: |
Contact person: | Nurken Begali |
Function of contact person: | Chief Expert in International Projects |
Founding year: | 2016 |
Legal status: |
non-profit organization. |
International Links and membership: | Full membership – INQAAHE, Affiliate member – ENQA |
The Independent Kazakhstani Center of Accreditation (IKCA) was established in 2016 as a non-profit institution and was registered with the Department of Justice in Nur-Sultan (Astana) on December 26, 2016. IKCA strives to use the best international practices in ensuring the quality of education in its activities.
By the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 624 of November 9, 2018, “On the Recognition of the Accreditation Body and Inclusion in the Register of Recognized Accreditation Bodies (Register 1) for a period of five years,” the IKCA was registered in the National Register of Accreditation Bodies. The IKCA’s activities are carried out in accordance with the State Programs for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (for 2016-2019, 2020-2025), the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Center’s Charter, and internal regulatory documents.
IKCA’s mission is to assist universities in creating an effective system of quality assurance and management in educational organizations implementing programs at all levels of education and supplementary education.
To achieve this, the agency conducts institutional and programme accreditation, conducts research in the field of quality assurance in higher education and participates in international networks (INQAAHE, APQN, ENQA) and projects.