The Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies held its annual workshop and general assembly on May 31 and June 1 in Bucharest, Romania. The events were hosted by the Romanian quality assurance agency ARACIS.
The workshop, titled “Benchmarking and Other Best Practices in Quality Assurance: An International Perspective”, linked to the TEMPUS project BIHTEK in which CEENQA partners with an international consortium led by KAHO Sint-Lieven, Belgium, with the aim of establishing good practices in quality benchmarking in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A stimulating presentation by Cathrine Connor, head of the Quality Enhancement Unit at London Metropolitan University, laid the groundwork for the participants’ contributions and discussion.
The general assembly admitted two new members, the Higher Education Accreditation Agency of Republika Srpska (HEAARS) and Association for Evaluation and the Accreditation of Medical Education Programs (TEPDAD) from Turkey. With this the total membership of CEENQA reaches 27 agencies in 19 countries and a pan-European agency.
The assembly elected a new Board: Iring Wasser(ASIIN, Germany, 2nd term) as President, Alexander Kohler (AQ Austria, 2nd term) as Vice-President, Adrian Miroiu (ARACIS, Romania, 2nd term) as Treasurer, and members Ferdije Etemi (KAA, Kosovo, 1st term), Hasan Bicak (YÖDAK, North Cyprus, 1st term), Mieczyslaw Socha(PKA, Poland), and Ivan Leban (SQAA, Slovenia, 1st term).