The working group of the Executive Board of the Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA) composed of Martina Vidlakova, Olgun Cicek and Duska Radmanovic held an online meeting to discuss the implementation of this year’s Staff Exchange Program between network members.
The meeting was held on January 25, 2021 and was committed to finding a suitable partner for all ten agencies that applied on this year call to participate in the CEENQA 2021 Staff Exchange Program.
Taking into account the expressed interests of the agencies in terms of topics they consider current, the language in which the visits would take place, as well as previous collaborations, the working group agreed on five potential pairs of agencies. The proposal will be forwarded to all interested agencies, but, as in previous years, the agencies will be given the opportunity to decide on different combinations.
Due to the Corona virus pandemic, it was decided that it is recommended that staff exchanges be conducted through virtual visits. As part of the 2020 visit has been postponed, due to the pandemic, these agencies will also be proposed to join this year’s program.
The CEENQA staff exchange program between the member agencies of the network has been organized since 2018.