Upcoming Events

19 Jan 2021: Third bi-monthly CEENQA meeting
10.00 – 10.15 CET Presentation of AIKA, Latvia, Jolanta Silka, deputy head
10.15 – 10.30 CET Presentation of ASIIN, Germany, Dr. Iring Wasser, managing director
10.30 – 10.45 CET Database Management in Accreditation Agencies, ASIIN, Germany, Arne Thielenhaus, project manager
10.45 – 11.15 CET Discussion

Summer 2021: CEENQA General Assembly and Workshop

CEE Network Workshop in Vilnius

The CEE Network held its annual workshop on 30 May. It was perfectly, attentively and thoughtfully hosted by the Lithuanian agency CQAHE. The title was “External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons learned” and Giedrius Viliunas, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania, set the motivating tone of the workshop with his opening words.

Invited speakers were the Director of the hosting Lithuanian agency Eugenijus Stumbrys, who described his agency’s preparations for their external review; Mieczyslaw Socha of PKA Poland, who raised a number of questions agencies should ask themselves when embarking on their review;  the President of ENQA, Bruno Curvale, and the Acting Director of the European Register EQAR Colin Tück, who shared their respective organizations’ experiences with external evaluations; Karl Dittrich, Chariman of NVAO, who gave a thought-provoking presentation about the role of agencies in the European context; Todor Shopov from the Bulgarian agency, who spoke about the external review of the Bulgarian agency; and András Bohák who presented the student view about the external review of the Hungarian agency.

To introduce the discussion, Dhurata Bozo, Director of APAAL Albania, presented the results of her survey on CEEN agencies’ participation in external reviews and their purposes. Very generously, the Albanian agency also produced a “Directory” on CEEN agencies, which may be requested by e-mail from Christina Rozsnyai, CEEN Secretary General (rozsnyai@mab.hu).


Please click here for the Program of the workshop and the Minutes of the Steering Committee meeting.


Eugenijus Stumbrys, director, CQAHE, Lithuania

Bruno Curvale, President of ENQA

Colin Tück, Acting Director, EQAR

Todor Shopov, member of standing committee of NEAA, Bulgaria

András Bohák, student member of external team evaluating HAC, Hungary

Karl Dittrich, Chairman, NVAO, the Netherlands and Belgium (Flemish)

Dhurata Bozo, Director, APAAL, Albania

St. Petersburg workshop 2007

The CEE Network held its annual workshop and Steering Committee meeting in St. Petersburg 25-26 May. The aim of the workshop was to determine to what extent the region’s QA agencies have adopted the European Standards and Guidelines, or in how far they believe that some of the standards cannot be adopted in full but need to be changed to reflect the region’s specific concerns and practices. An in-depth study – on student involvement in QA and appeals procedures of agencies – will be produced in the coming months.

The Minutes of the Steering Committee meeting can be read here.


CEE Network workshop in Poznan

The CEE Network held a workshop in Poznan, Poland, on 29 May 2005. (For pictures of the meeting please visit www.uka.amu.edu.pl/ceen_galeria.html.) Participants discussed the preliminary results of the CEE Network Survey on the activities and characteristics of its member agencies. The purpose of the Survey is to identify the similarities and dissimilarities in the evaluation and accreditation practices of the agencies and to explore ways of mutual recognition of accreditation in the future. On the preceding day the Steering Committee held its annual meeting.

The Minutes, program list of participants and Steering Committee meeting program can be found here.

You can also find Dr. Hofmann’s Power Point presentation here.